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Adding Routes

Radicle uses Acorn which allows you to register Laravel routes from the config/web.php file.

By default, a route is registered for /welcome/ which serves the Blade template located at resources/views/welcome.blade.php.

See Laravel's routing documentation for information on registering routes.

Acorn's router support is still considered experimental due to limited support of Laravel's router functionality. Once Acorn supports modifying the current kernel implementation, Radicle will include the default Laravel HTTP kernel along with an example of implementing a route with middleware support.

Since routes in Radicle are considered "virtual pages", WordPress is not aware of how to handle some functionality such as:

  • Setting the canonical URL
  • Setting the <title>
  • Adding SEO-related meta data

Make sure to take this into consideration when adding routes to your site. Acorn's router implementation currently contains a acorn/router/do_parse_request filter that can be used as a way to communicate data from a Laravel route to WordPress.

In the example below, we're setting the is_acorn_route property of the $wp_query object to true for any pages that are Acorn routes:


add_filter('acorn/router/do_parse_request', function ($do_parse) {
    global $wp_query;
    $wp_query->is_acorn_route = true;

    return $do_parse;

Last updated

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