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WordPress LEMP stack with PHP 8.2, Composer, WP-CLI and more

  • A+ SSL support with Let’s Encrypt
  • Single-command WordPress site setup and deployments
  • Uses H5BP server configs
  • Nginx micro-caching
  • Maintained for over 8 years

Complete WordPress server

You’ll get a complete WordPress server running all the software you need configured according to the best practices. All of this is powered by Ansible for configuration management. You don’t have to use brittle and confusing Bash scripts or worry about commands you found to copy and paste.

Provision a remote server and deploy to it with a single command

Trellis is all about development & production parity. What does this mean? Your development virtual machine and your production are as similar as possible.

Zero-downtime WordPress deployments

Trellis does atomic deploys where the server will git clone the latest codebase, create a new timestamped release folder, run composer install , and then update the current symlink to the latest release. Your webserver will always be serving the latest code on each deployment.


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Modern LEMP stack

Trellis runs on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy LTS based servers and installs the following software:

  • Nginx
  • MariaDB (MySQL drop-in replacement)
  • PHP 8.2 (+ extensions)
  • Composer
  • WP-CLI
  • sSMTP
  • Memcached
  • Fail2ban
  • ferm (firewall)
  • Mailpit

A+ SSL support

Our SSL implementation scores an A+ on the Qualys SSL Labs Test. Automatic Let’s Encrypt integration for a free SSL certificate. Trellis gives you the best HTTPS configuration with performance optimizations that include:

  • HTTP/2
  • OCSP stapling
  • Strict Transport Security (HSTS) & redirects
  • Strong SSL params (Diffie-Hellman key exchange)
  • Performance tuning

Learn more about SSL in Trellis

SSH keys

Trellis manages your SSH keys so users can easily and securely connect to servers and deploy.

Just configure your usernames and tell Trellis to load local SSH key files or provide a GitHub username and it will automatically add all your public keys.

Learn more about SSH keys in Trellis

Nginx micro-caching

Get the benefits of caching without the hassle of cache invalidation.

Nginx FastCGI “micro” caching can be configured with a toggle and an optional timeframe. Your WordPress site can be “Reddit proof” just by having a 5 second cache.

Learn more about FastCGI caching in Trellis


In my opinion, the toolkit is the most sane way to do WordPress in 2023

Andrew Halliwell Andrew Halliwell

I’ve been using Trellis for a while with a lot of success. All my sites are hosted on DigitalOcean, so using Trellis + DO means I have perfect parity between my dev and production environments.

James DiGioia James DiGioia

Can’t believe I have gone without Trellis this long, stoked to get a LEMP stack up and running with a dummy domain under 10 minutes.

Benjamin Jackson Benjamin Jackson

Throughout years of my WordPress era no other server tool served me so well as Trellis. Nginx, HTTPS by Let's Encrypt, firewall, etc. with one config file and one command. Highly recommend.

Dawid Gawel Dawid Gawel

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