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Trellis allows zero-downtime WordPress deployment out of the box with a little configuration. Hooks let you customize what happens at each step of the deploy process.

Trellis deploys your site from a Git repository. In your wordpress_sites.yml file, found in the group_vars/<environment> directory, make sure the repo and branch keys are set correctly:

  • repo - Git URL of your Bedrock-based WordPress project (in SSH format:
  • branch - Git branch to deploy (default: master)
-   repo:
+   repo:
-   branch: master
+   branch: main

Read more about WordPress Sites in Trellis

Using DigitalOcean? Read our guide on deploying Trellis to DigitalOcean

# Deploying

Run the following from any directory within your project:

trellis deploy <environment>


Trellis does not automatically "install" WordPress on remote servers. It's normal and expected to see the WordPress install screen the first time you deploy. It's up to you to either import an existing database or install a fresh site.

# Rollbacks

Run the following from any directory within your project:

trellis rollback <environment>

Manually specify a different release using --release=12345678901234 as such:

trellis rollback --release=12345678901234 <environment>

By default Trellis stores five previous releases, not including the current release. See deploy_keep_releases in Options - Remote Servers to change this setting.

# Hooks

Trellis deploys let you customize what happens at each step of the atomic deployment process. A single deploy has the following steps in order:

  1. initialize - creates the site directory structure (or ensures it exists)
  2. update - clones the Git repo onto the remote server
  3. prepare - prepares the files/directories in the new release path (such as moving the repo subtree if one exists)
  4. build - builds the new release by copying templates, files, and folders
  5. share - symlinks shared files/folders to new release
  6. finalize - finalizes the deploy by updating the current symlink (atomic deployments)

Each step has a before and after hook. The hooks are variables that you can define with a list of custom task files to be included and run when the hook fires.

The hook variables available are:

  • deploy_before
  • deploy_initialize_before
  • deploy_initialize_after
  • deploy_update_before
  • deploy_update_after
  • deploy_prepare_before
  • deploy_prepare_after
  • deploy_build_before
  • deploy_build_after
  • deploy_share_before
  • deploy_share_after
  • deploy_finalize_before
  • deploy_finalize_after
  • deploy_after

# Default hooks

By default, Trellis defines and uses three hooks:

  • deploy_build_after runs composer install.
  • deploy_finalize_before checks the WordPress installation.
  • deploy_finalize_after refreshes WordPress settings and reloads php-fpm.

The default deploy hooks are defined in roles/deploy/defaults/main.yml:

  - '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy-hooks/build-before.yml'

  - '{{ playbook_dir }}/roles/deploy/hooks/build-after.yml'
  # - "{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy-hooks/sites/{{ site }}-build-after.yml"

  - '{{ playbook_dir }}/roles/deploy/hooks/finalize-before.yml'

  - '{{ playbook_dir }}/roles/deploy/hooks/finalize-after.yml'

The deploy_build_before definition and the commented path under deploy_build_after offer examples of using hooks for custom tasks, as described below.

# Custom tasks

To use a deploy hook, define or override the hook variable somewhere within your group_vars directory, such as in group_vars/all/main.yml. If you end up defining many hooks, you may want to create a new file such as group_vars/all/deploy-hooks.yml.

Each deploy hook variable is a list of task files to be included and run when the hook fires. We suggest keeping your hooked task files in a top level deploy-hooks folder. Here are some example hook variable definitions:

# Defining a hook that Trellis does not already use by default
  - '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy-hooks/deploy-before.yml'

# Overriding a hook that Trellis already uses by default
  - '{{ playbook_dir }}/roles/deploy/hooks/build-after.yml'
  - '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy-hooks/build-after.yml'
  - '{{ playbook_dir }}/deploy-hooks/sites/{{ site }}-build-after.yml'

The second example above demonstrates overriding the deploy_build_after hook that Trellis already uses by default. The first include file in this hook's list is roles/deploy/hooks/build-after.yml, which is the task file Trellis usually executes. If you omit a hook's default file when overriding an existing hook variable, the default file's tasks will no longer execute.

The second include file in the deploy_build_after example above, deploy-hooks/build-after.yml, is an example of adding a custom task file that would run on every deploy, regardless the site being deployed. The third include file, deploy-hooks/sites/{{ site }}-build-after.yml, demonstrates how you could use a {{ site }} variable to include a file based on the name of the site being deployed, e.g.,


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